Show You How To Retire In Ten Years With Ten Million Dollars"
Just keep reading and you will discover two important things:
I know what I am about to share with you works. Because I have used the secrets I’m going to share with you today to amass a fortune that has now exceeded that ten million dollar goal. I have also taught it to thousands of other people who have also seen their net worth skyrocket and are well on their way to a life of leisure. The first thing I want you to realize is that this is a genuinely obtainable goal and something you could really do. People from every walk of life are building giant retirement nest eggs and enjoying well above average incomes simultaneously while working at this for under a half an hour per day. I know that sounds hard to believe and it’s ok to be skeptical… I’m not asking you to believe anything yet, just keep an open mind until you see all the proof I’m about to show you… It is not a get-rich-quick gimmick and it won’t make you wealthy overnight. If that’s what you are looking for then you are in the wrong place. If, however, you are looking for a real and proven way to build massive long term wealth and are willing to spend between 20 and 30 minutes a day to make that happen… You are in exactly the right place… My name is A.J. Brown and today you will learn about a way to make a fortune in the stock market without ever actually owning a stock. The Stock Market Is Crashing Through The Floor. That’s right. I have discovered a way to make just as much when a stock is going down or sideways as when it’s going up. Let’s get something straight right from the start… What I am going to share with you today is not theory. What you will see is 100% real. The gains you will see were made with real money, not some paper or demo trading. And most importantly, the income I generate from trading this little understood-method is how I make 100% of my income. And it has made me a very real fortune for over fifteen years now. Not only that, it is working for countless others as you will see, so please keep reading… That said, I can’t promise you will become a multi-millionaire using this. Or even that you will make anything at all. That depends on what you do with the secrets I am going to reveal to you today. All I can do is show you what it has done for me and for others. Making Real Money, Not Theory Or Speculation. Whether your goal is to build a giant nest egg of ten million dollars to fund the kind of retirement you dream of… Or just make an extra $2000.00, $3000.00, $10,000.00 per month, which as you are about to see, is very doable. You are about to see a very realistic way of doing both simultaneously in just 20 to 30 minutes per day. Remember, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme or something where you need to put your life savings at risk. This is a genuine and highly respected method of creating long-term wealth. You won’t see claims of 1000% per month gains or making millions in a matter of months. We both know that anyone making claims like that is likely full of you know what. Much As 555.3% On Your Money In About Six Months. Let that sink in… In traditional investments you would be doing very well to see gains of 8% to 10% per year. I know people who would love to see that much. Making 70% in five months is like condensing seven to eight years of regular investing into less than six months! Gains like these that I have recently made is like condensing a lifetime of traditional investing into just six months… ![]() That’s real money, lots of it. You are about to see how to create a real long-term strategy that could get you to ten million dollars over the next ten years and have you retired in style. Think about that… What would that mean to you? Would it be worth learning about a simple five-step process that has already done exactly that for me? One that is also widely proven over the years to get over 14,000 other people similar results? If so, then keep reading… As I said, I make 100% of the income I live off of, and support my family with, through trading. Every penny I make through helping others to have the same success goes to a charitable foundation. I make plenty from trading and believe strongly in giving back. That is also why I am going to openly share secrets with you today that you can put to use immediately for free. The second thing I want you to really understand is that you can do this. It does not take any formal education in finance or anything else. Anyone can do this. Here’s proof…
I really didn’t expect to see that money ever again. They put that money to work using exactly the strategy I am going to share with you here today. Every one of them paid me back the full two thousand dollars out of their profits. They all went from trading just one hour per day at the public library to purchasing their own computers and getting high-speed Internet connections. They could have wound up dealing drugs. Instead they are making far more money, and doing it legally and respectfully. One of them even paid his way through college using what I am going to show you. It empowered him to live the kind of life he wanted to live, not the one dictated by his circumstance in life. you dream of, not one of settling for less. More importantly I want to show you how to have your cake and eat it too… The fact is that you can amass a fortune, never worry about money again, and retire in style in under 30 minutes per day! And… you can do it without dipping into your life savings or investing money you just really can’t afford to put at risk. I know that sounds like fantasy. I have spent years perfecting what I am about to reveal to you, and while it may sound too good to be true, it is a reality for many of us using what I want to show you today. It works. I want you to realize something important. I am just like you. I wasn’t born rich nor do I have some Ivy League education in finance. taken a few thousand dollars and turned it into a fourteen million dollar fortune.” And if you will keep reading, I will share it with you… You will discover a simple 5-step plan to retire much sooner than you ever thought possible without feeling like you have taken on a second job. You will discover how to make an absolute fortune from the stock market… Without ever buying or owning a single stock… And how to do it in just 20 minutes per day…
Plus, I will show you the critical wealth-building tools that you must have in order to make millions and how to get them for free. You will also absolutely know the reason it has been so hard up until now to realize your dreams of growing rich. And what over 14,000 people, from every walk of life, have discovered that is now making them extremely wealthy. For reasons that will become very clear in just a moment, this presentation could come down at any minute, so I urge you to read this now. The real problem when it comes to making money is that there is so much misinformation out there... the Internet has allowed for a mob of so-called experts and false gurus to prey on the uninformed… Well, today you'll discover a totally different approach to becoming wealthy… One that is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to work… Plus, I will show you the critical wealth-building tools that you must have in order to make millions and how to get them for FREE. You will also absolutely know the reason it has been so hard up until now to realize your dreams of growing rich. Discovered That Is Now Making Them Extremely Wealthy. For reasons that will become very clear in just a moment, this presentation could come down at any minute, so I urge you to read this now. And it's important for you to know that everything you are about to see is real... No funny money, no paper trading, no demo accounts... Just real money made by real people just like you... Remember: I'm about to share something proven to shortcut your road to retirement by years… even decades. embarrassing story with you... You'll see why I was reluctant to even include this story in about a minute, so stay with me... I wasn't always a successful options trader, in fact, far from it... Thinking back, it was January, 1997... I was working for Hewlett-Packard in Silicon Valley and though I was financially successful, I just didn't like what I was doing for a living, so I decided to give trading a go... I bought everything I could find from all the so-called trading gurus... I spent over $87,000.00 on trading courses and weekend seminars... Then I started trading... In a flash I lost $45,000.00, So between what I had spent and what I had lost I was out $132,000.00. It dawned on me that I was flat-broke, and that it simply wasn't going to get any better unless I took action and learned how the system really works… So I did, just like you're about to today. At that very instant, I drew a line in the sand, and decided to change my life forever: I made a vow that I would learn the real secrets of truly wealthy traders… I started an investment group with eight other people I had met at seminars... This changed EVERYTHING because I now had accountability. For a few years I just paper traded and honed my skills as the memory of losing $45,000.00 was still fresh in my mind. In 2004 I was finally comfortable enough to start trading with real money because... I had formulated a step-by-step success blueprint that I've followed ever since. One that thousands of others have now followed to create MASSIVE success in options trading. That took my account from $5,000.00 to $984,000.00 in just 30 months... And today, I'm going to reveal it to YOU, so just keep reading... Remember, despite my success today, I'm really no different than you. I just happened to figure out a really simple, step-by-step formula. For the average person like you and me to see massive results when it comes to making big, consistent gains with the least amount of risk. Gains that have now grown into a personal fortune of over… The blueprint and tools I have created make it EASY for average people like you and me to take much of the work and risk out of trading options so we can enjoy... Wealth, freedom, and the prestige we desire without working ourselves to death to achieve it... I'm going to reveal the entire blueprint within this presentation, so keep reading. Yet, before I do... I feel compelled to be honest with you, and let you know about the real and serious problem you face right now. This is the invisible villain behind why most people fail to ever realize their financial dreams and it's keeping you from achieving success... And this is why you not achieving that success up until now is not your fault although, after you see this, you'll know it's now your responsibility to take action. Guess what? You've been lied to for a long, long time when it comes to options trading. Here's one of the lies that angers me the most: That options trading is too risky. You know something? That's not true at all. Another big lie that holds people back from realizing the dream is that you have to be a day trader to successfully trade options. That you have to spends hours each day studying charts. As you will soon see nothing could be further from the truth. Options are NOT all that risky. And as for the idea that trading options requires you to be a day trader: they are two different things entirely. I am anything but a day trader, Keep reading and you will see that 20 to 30 minutes a day is all it takes to make millions at this. Now that you know the problem: That your ability to become wealthy has been held back for years due to these misconceptions... Let's get right into the three tips I need to share with you today... Without these tips, your path to becoming a wealthy options trader will be hit and miss. YET, using these simple strategies, you'll rocket to your goals in no time. I have to tell you, my last big tip that I will share with you is the real life-changer—it’s my personal favorite—and it's been responsible for most of my success. First, I want to share a simple tip with you that will get you started on the path to success today. To begin, avoid at all costs the temptation to throw your life savings at this. The beauty of options is that you can control stocks, and profit from them, for just pennies on the dollar... And you can greatly limit your risk while still realizing massive profits... If you don't avoid the temptation to go after the big all-in play, you will wind up losing far more than you make and will never experience long-term wealth. I'm going to show you why it is just NOT necessary to risk lots of money to make lots of money, so keep reading. Simply use smart money management on every trade. The fact is that all the most successful traders never even look at reward... I used to believe that you had to risk lots in order to enjoy big rewards. Now I know better, and so do you. Just avoiding this temptation to go after the big wins will allow you to actually win big in the long run. Just picture it: By not having your life savings on the line in any trade you will feel confident and stress free. That's not all. You'll also grow your account much faster. getting wealthy? Most people believe you have to spend hours analyzing charts and data in order to successfully trade options. I used to HATE spending my whole day staring at a computer screen… And now I've figured out a way to spend only 20 to 30 minutes per day doing so and make far more money. I have created a full array of trading hacks and tools that cut the time needed to trade options successfully to a FRACTION of the time others spend. Rather than staring at charts all day, discipline yourself to a process. Do all the analytical parts outside of the trading session. And even then, limit the time you spend on it to no more than 30 minutes per day. During the trading session only react to an alert. Otherwise, enjoy your free time. You'll never have to feel like trading is a second full-time job. Not only that, you will also find that by trading with the tools and knowledge I want to share with you today you'll be far more profitable in far less time than you ever imagined was possible. And, it's about to get even better because now I'll be sharing my most VITAL tip when it comes to getting to that ten million dollar goal. Without applying this tip to your trading strategy, you can virtually forget about succeeding... This is THE most important tip of all. It's the tactic behind ALL success in trading because it allows you to easily stick to a proven plan... As you near-effortlessly move toward a comfortable retirement! This is my 2-step Simple Success Principle: used successfully by virtually 'every' successful trader even if they don't know it! Here's how it works: Many novice options traders tend to over-complicate things. I know this because I did it early on. And I’ve seen hundreds of others do the same. The fatal error is using too many indicators, patterns, and methods all at once. At some point, nearly every novice trader believes that the best trading methods have to be complicated. But the exact opposite is true! The best trading methods are the simplest ones. I realize this is counter-intuitive but my 15+ years in the market have taught me that. Here’s why: Too many indicators, patterns, and methods is counterproductive. It is extremely confusing and can hurt your ability to spot good trades. Confusion leads to doubt. And doubt causes inaction. Mastering a few simple and yet very powerful techniques can produce all the information you need to make smart trades. Armed with these a few simple and proven trading methods, you will be much more disciplined about following your trading and money management rules. I want you to succeed. And the simpler you make it, the more likely you are to take action. If you do that, you will succeed. And that is my objective. The very best place to master the “right” option trading strategies is with a team of like-minded and similarly trained people. Here’s why: Accountability-Many traders fail due to lack of accountability. Imagine a basketball game with five players on one side and only ONE on the other… No matter how good that ONE is, it’s going to be pretty difficult for the ONE to win. That’s the power of the team. It was only when I became part of a small investment group of like-minded people that everything turned around for me. The blueprint you'll be given access to in a few minutes will expound on this tip, allowing you to soar to your financial goals. Just imagine what your life will feel like when you MASTER my 2-step Simple Success Principle… See the surprise in the eyes of your friends, family, and colleagues as you go from struggling with trading to MASTERING trading. Everyone may be wondering "What's up all this success?" And you'll KNOW what's up... You've uncovered The Secret. These proven success tactics, and SO much more, are yours for the taking starting today. Essentially you have two choices, and regardless, you will choose one of the two today: Choice 1: You can take all the tips and info I just gave you and try to put the puzzle pieces together on your own, without assistance. You never know, you may eventually put the puzzle pieces together on your own. Sure, it will take a lot longer, and there's no guarantee you'll make it... Or, there's the smarter choice: The one smart men and women take to speed up their progress toward retirement. Let me now show you the most powerful, focused, and simple step-by-step solution to building your retirement nest egg while at the same time enjoying a comfortable six figure income... when I've already done ALL the work for you? Why even consider starting from scratch? I've laid out your EXACT Step-by-Step Blueprint Already! One that's been tested for years by thousands of successful options traders and PROVEN to work, guaranteed. ![]()
Investment Of Just $5,000.00 Into $984,000.00 In Just 30 Months... And Then Go On To Turn That Into Over $14 Million Dollars! This tested, proven, and efficient blueprint for trading success can work for you, EVEN IF you have never traded anything a day in your life... It is a radically different approach to options that gives you a distinct advantage and greatly reduces your risk. This innovative, time tested, proven, and powerful approach to trading can work for you even if...
Before I tell you exactly what Trading Trainer is and how it works, I need to tell you what it ISN'T, so there are no false expectations. Trading Trainer is NOT a get-rich-quick thing. It is NOT Forex, Binary Options or a high-risk venture opportunity. It is NOT a dangerous path to overnight riches where you are asked to risk money you shouldn't. It is NOT the latest money making fad or experiment. Rather, Trading Trainer is the direct result of over 15 years of study and digging through the trenches to find what REALLY works... One that has helped over 14,000 people just like you discover the real path to long-term wealth and financial freedom. I spent years studying under the best traders in the world to learn their secrets for long-term success. I have spent over $87,000.00 and a lot of weekends on trading seminars. I have taught over 14,000 people how to make a good living and grow an enormous retirement nest egg trading options. And from this moment forward you will have the tools and knowledge to replicate their success! The techniques, "do this next" strategies, and the "avoid THIS" lessons are now yours to replicate, and that means: Knowing for certain that you are now on a path that can lead to the RETIREMENT of your dreams... A lifetime of MASSIVE income while working far less than anyone you know... Realizing a ten million dollar or more net worth so you never need to worry about money again. Here’s why that is an important number… You can tuck ten million dollars in the safest place on earth and easily see a 2% annual return without lifting a finger. Which could mean a safe and secure retirement income of $200,000.00 per year WITHOUT ever touching your nest egg. Listen, I've gotta' be totally honest with you, so there's nothing left to chance. If you're looking for yet another get-rich-overnight system promising to make you millions in a matter of days... (You get it, right?) More garbage that doesn't work, never has worked, and never WILL work for you? Then do us both a favor and just forget all about Trading Trainer because it's not going to give you 'impossible' results, just SOLID real results... Trading Trainer isn't pie-in-the-sky fantasyland nonsense– it‘s the real deal– and it's only for folks like you who are really serious about building real long-term wealth and retiring rich. There are no press-a-button answers to succeeding in trading. Nothing in this life is easy, and you know that. THIS is as easy as trading and making money gets... So, if you're ready for the REAL TRUTH behind what it takes to succeed for life in becoming wealthy, here's what you can expect: So, if you really want to over the next ten years... And along the way make yourself a very respectable six-figure income while building that wealth...
Then guess what? the ONLY ANSWER for you.
Let's take a look at what's included your membership to Trading Trader: As a part of the Trading Trainer Community you can expect to discover many things about options trading that you may not have known before. You Will Be Shown… How to master options trading in just 20 minutes a day. You do NOT have to read the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) or Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) every day. You do not have to scan hundreds of stock prices. Once you know my trading secrets you’ll see how easy it is to make winning trades with very little time invested. Anyone with average or above intelligence will have no trouble understanding this, even if they’ve had trouble in the past. Why it’s so important to actively participate in a trading group. This simple habit is what led me to success. I’ll show you how to join a group right after you activate your Trading Trainer program. as little as $1 per transaction A lot of people think they have to pay $20-$50 in transaction fees to trade an options contract–this is simply not true and I’ll show you the secret of how to do it for less. Like how an index card tucked in your purse or pocket can guide you to your best trades. Never underestimate the power of simple strategies. This is one you won’t want to ignore. When you join the Trading Trainer Community, you’ll get: ![]() Every night I prepare my notes for the day. These include observations about the market, what current events are influencing prices, and where I think the market is headed. Use these insights to assist you in creating the next day’s action plan and picking the right trades. ![]() Every week we conduct “Money Link” calls to answer any burning questions you may have about trading options. You get instant feedback from me and my team, right over the phone. The Community says this live “Q&A” format is one of the best parts of the program. ![]() I do the heavy lifting for you. If you were to scour the newspapers daily to find option trading candidates, it would literally take you hours. But with my watch list and daily pick filters, you can find ideal option trading candidates in mere seconds. This gives you the advantage you need to act quickly, ahead of the crowd. ![]() Want a shortcut for staying current on the daily news without reading stacks of newspapers? Now you can. Because you’ll get relevant daily news feeds from Investors Business Daily (IBD) right within the Trading Trainer Learning Community Web Portal. Online Community Forums ![]() This service instantly connects you with like-minded options traders. Get burning questions answered 24 hours a day when you participate in our option trading community forums, even if it’s 2 AM. Group I call the Alpha Wealth Group This is my special, proprietary trading secret that provides the accountability you need to compete with the big dogs. The very best place to master the “right” option trading strategies is with a team of like-minded and similarly trained people. Here’s why: Quite simply, you get five uniquely powerful elements to maximize your success. These five elements are
And we go further than mere community. We assemble like-minded traders into intimate teams of no more than eight traders. We do this because we know… And this is just a taste! Part Of The Elite 1% That Really Understands The Path To Becoming Wealthy Trading… You've no-doubt noticed that Trading Trainer is, without question, the easiest, most realistic, most complete, no-nonsense, fastest path to becoming a successful Options trader there is. As it allows you to spend just 20 to 30 minutes a day trading and still make big, consistent gains that could lead to tens of millions of dollars. And, the results come quickly too...
“When I joined Trading Trainer four months ago, I was desperately searching for a system that would help me overcome my skepticism about trading Options. I can say, without a doubt, that the system works for me. On my first three trades I made 26%, 39% and 103%. So you can stop looking for other methods, people, because this is the one that works.” -Alma Trent In fact, in just 20 to 30 minutes per day you could very soon be seeing results like those yourself. And that is amazing considering they are seeing these results without feeling like they have taken on a second job. Instead, they are enjoying life, Now, perhaps you're concerned that Trading Trainer, with all of its amazing money making strategies, will cost you a fortune... And sure, that makes perfect sense, as Trading Trainer is worth investing in and it should cost more than it does. After all, Trading Trainer has already helped over 14,000 people achieve real wealth faster and easier than ever yet. I'll go over the price, and the discount you'll get today by ordering from this page, with you in just a moment... First, I want to share a few unique benefits this one-of-a-kind system will deliver to you. You'll discover how to steadily build toward that ten million dollar goal without working yourself to death getting there. That's not all. You'll learn the secret of AVOIDING the three trading lies that you absolutely must avoid in order to become wealthy... And I'll also reveal some really clever trading tools that make trading options a breeze to do, making trading an enjoyable experience. make MILLIONS just trading 30 minutes or less per day and I want to share those secrets with you too. PLUS: I'll be revealing my simple five-step process that makes choosing the right trade for the right stock every time super easy and accurate. The real value of Trading Trainer sold by itself is $5,352.00 but that price is NOT for you. I'll explain why in just a moment. Yet, you're not just receiving Trading Trainer today... Because you've shown a real determination to become wealthy by reading this presentation, I'm going to sweeten the deal by tossing in a NUMBER of incredible bonuses... FREE, just for ordering today.
And, it gets even better. Just for joining TODAY I’ll also include… ![]() Automatic Alerts on a 5-Minute Delay (valued at $300.00): Automatic alerts can literally make the difference between a healthy profit and slight loss… or even a slight loss and a major loss! That’s why I recently developed a new automatic alert system for the Trading Trainer program that runs on a 5-minute delay. (This is far superior to most alert systems, which usually run on a 20-minute delay.) That means you can be notified within 5 minutes if any of your price parameters are crossed. Which means you’ll have plenty of time to take action, lock-in profits, and preserve investing capital. And just for reading this presentation today I will also include… ![]() Every quarter I screen thousands of mutual funds and identify a handful that I feel are worth watching closely. I call these my Power Funds. How much would you have to pay a financial advisor to sift through thousands of funds to find the cream of the crop? $500.00? $1000.00? More? You will also get these FREE by joining from this page today. Even without all those bonuses, it's a steal. And the bonuses ALONE are worth $1,735.00, which would bring your investment today for Trading Trainer to $7,087.00. However, just for reading this presentation today, I have a MUCH BETTER DEAL coming your way, so keep watching, because it won't last much longer. Sure, you could just walk away, chance it, and keep going down the road you're on now. Or you could do what I did all those years ago and spend over $87,000.00 on seminars, workshops, and products that just don't work. Then there's the hundreds of thousands or even millions in lost revenue by investing in traditional investments that just don't perform... And let's not forget the losses you could incur with other more risky investments— that’s a real killer... This massive discount is my online-only offer... You've saved me time and money in running expensive ads so I'm just giving it right back to you. Let me share my vision with you. It's a CAUSE I'm inviting you to join today. I call it the Alpha Wealth Group
Think about that. In traditional investing you would be very lucky to see gains of 8% to 10% per year. Into Just Six Months
Only on this page, your total investment in Trading Trainer will NOT be $7,087.00 today... Nowhere close to that! It's not even going to be HALF that price... It's not even going to be $1,997.00! Today only, and only from this presentation, your total investment in Trading Trainer, including ALL the bonuses valued at $1,735.00 on their own is ONLY: To lock-in your super-discounted price, which is extremely limited, CLICK HERE: ![]() Listen: Don't decide right now... Take advantage of my Unconditional Guarantee I'll Give You a Full Refund ![]() Full Money-Back Guarantee. Join today. Then, if for ANY reason at all you're not satisfied, simply return it to us within SIXTY DAYS of your purchase date and you'll get a prompt and cheerful refund. You really have nothing to lose… I'm taking ALL the risk here so you can finally pursue your dream career and create the lifestyle you want and deserve. It's that simple. If you do decide it’s not for you... OR: If you do not find our service and attention to your satisfaction top-notch... Hey, even if you don't like the way I look! If you are not 100% satisfied in EVERY way, I'll gladly refund your purchase price. No questions asked, no hassles, and no hard feelings. Get Instant Access Now to ENSURE you receive Trading Trainer along with the $1,735.00 in free bonuses at this MASSIVE DISCOUNT! ![]() Just listen to what Sanja Hunt has to say about Trading Trainer … “I now have two trades that are open. One is up 85% and the other is up 78% profit. Each of these trades is just 30 days old, and I'm evaluating them every single day with guidance from A.J… AJ’s devotion to teaching is unparalleled anywhere else that I explored. I am very happy to be a member of Trading Trainer.” I've got one more surprise for you. It's only valid if you act today, before leaving this page… I'm going to include in your package today a "Super Bonus" worth over $900.00… My Proprietary Real-Time Charting & Drawing Tools ![]() Not only do you get the education you need to become a successful options trader, you also get the tools to make it happen. That’s why you’ll get access to a robust set of charting and drawing tools from within the Trading Trainer Learning Community Web Portal. This brings your total VALUE today to well over $7,987.00 and that price is a STEAL... Because it could make you millions just like it has for me. By acting today, only on this page, you will get it ALL – Trading Trainer plus the bonuses I covered earlier worth $1,735.00… PLUS the "super bonus" of all the charting tools you will need worth at least $900.00, for a measly $997! You're not just saving over $6,990.00 dollars today, and starting your path to options trading success and great wealth... 100% of the revenue generated from the sales of Trading Trainer goes to a charitable foundation which I have already given over $7 Million Dollars to. See, I don't need the money. I've made many millions from using the exact methods you will now be using... While Trading Trainer is in fact a for-profit company… I formed a charity partnership with the Chicago Board Of Options Exchange which I funded with seven million dollars of my own money… Which leads me back to the picture I shared at the beginning of this presentation. Because that is what really started my obsession with helping people realize their dreams. Remember those scary looking gang bangers? Well, long story short, I started a pilot program that taught each of them to trade options… Then I gave them each $2,000.00 of my own money to trade with. I really doubted I would ever see that money again. They were all trading at the public library which limited them to just 30 minutes per day. Not only did every one of them end up paying me back in full from money they had made trading… They went on to buy their own computers, get Internet connections, and continued to make money. One of them put himself through college with his profits from his trading. This is a cause worth being a part of… And you could become very wealthy while helping me to do some good in the world. Plus, you'll join the large and ever-growing Trading Trainer Community... And a really nice perk is that just about every Trading Trainer member makes a lot of new trading friends along the way... and THAT can keep you super-motivated! For INSTANT ACCESS to everything, join today… ![]() every feature of Trading Trainer without delay... PLUS: Your FREE "Super Bonus” of all the charting tools you will need to succeed worth at least $900.00.
Just Remember: Life is short, and you've been struggling with trying to secure true wealth and a comfortable retirement far too long... And the pain of continuing without taking action will only lead to more despair, more frustration... And continuing to settle for a life of mediocrity... Yet all of this can be avoided, beginning today, simply by applying the step-by-step options trading principles found in Trading Trader. finally found your answer to living the life you've always dreamed of both today and in your retirement years. Yes, it's true: Your struggles to make any real money through investments, up until today, have largely been no fault of your own. You've been deceived for years by con artists, the media, so-called gurus and quick-fix trading 'solutions'... And there's that dreaded get-rich-quick plan that did NOTHING but backfire in your face... And who can forget all those false promises other financial "experts" made to you that never stood up to the light of day? Today is your day to CLAIM your power and take responsibility. And unlike all those phony trading and investing solutions, this one is GUARANTEED to work for you, Try Trading Trainer for 60 full days, on me... And see the results you desire, or you pay nothing! And, you can use Trading Trainer, and follow it just as I teach it. So you can see how well the strategies work for you. Then, if for some strange reason you don't turn a profit after making 10 consecutive trades during your first 6 months, I will give you a Full 100% Refund. ![]() Plus I never leave you hanging. Either myself or my Support Team will get back to you quickly with any questions you have, so you'll always feel taken care of. Immediately after you buy today you need to do this: Head over to the Trading Trainer Members’ Page so you can discover the four easy steps I’ve mapped out for you... they will ENSURE you get started quickly. This proven 4-step formula helps get you off on the right foot so you too can start making money as quickly as possible. Remember, along with access to Trading Trainer you'll also be receiving... The Nightly Newsletter (valued at $1,788.00): Every night I prepare my notes for the day. These include observations about the market, what current events are influencing prices, and where I think the market is headed. Use these insights to assist you in creating the next day’s action plan and picking the right trades. Weekly “Money Link” Calls (valued at $2,388.00): Every week we conduct “Money Link” calls to answer any burning questions you may have about trading options. You get instant feedback from me and my team, right over the phone. The Community says this live “Q&A” format is one of the best parts of the program. Watch Lists & Daily Picks (valued at $600.00): I do the heavy lifting for you. If you were to scour the newspapers daily to find Option trading candidates, it would literally take you hours. But with my watch list and daily pick filters, you can find ideal option trading candidates in mere seconds. This gives you the advantage you need to act quickly, ahead of the crowd. Latest Daily News Feed (valued at $348.00) Want a shortcut for staying current on the daily news without reading stacks of newspapers? Now you can. Because you’ll get relevant daily news feeds from Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) right within the Trading Trainer Learning Community Web Portal. Online Community Forums (valued at $228.00) This service instantly connects you with like-minded option traders. Get burning questions answered 24 hours a day when you participate in our options trading Community Forums, even if it’s 2 am. PLUS, the bonuses you'll be receiving today… Your SUPER BONUS: Real Time Charting & Drawing Tools (valued at $900.00): Not only do you get the education you need to become a successful option trader, you also get the tools to make it happen. That’s why you’ll get access to a robust set of charting and drawing tools from within the Trading Trainer Learning Community Web Portal. If you were to purchase this elsewhere-it would cost you a minimum of $900.00–but it’s included free as part of your program. The Electronic Accelerated Learning Program (valued at $435): This 15 week e-program is a tool designed to help you learn options trading as quickly as possible and without being overwhelmed. You will learn the most effective strategies and tools to utilize to become a successful options trader in any market conditions. Yours FREE today! Automatic Alerts on a 5-Minute Delay (valued at $300.00): Automatic alerts can literally make the difference between a healthy profit and slight loss… Or even a slight loss and a major loss! That’s why I recently developed a new automatic alert system for the Trading Trainer program that runs on a 5-minute delay. (This is far superior to most alert systems, which usually run on a 20-minute delay.) That means you can be notified within 5 minutes if any of your price parameters are crossed. Which means you’ll have plenty of time to take action, lock-in profits, and preserve investing capital. My Quarterly List Of Mutual Fund Recommendations Every quarter I screen thousands of mutual funds and identify a handful that I feel are worth watching closely. I call these my Power Funds. How much would you have to pay a financial advisor to sift through thousands of funds to find the cream of the crop? $500.00 $1000.00 More? You will also get these FREE by joining from this page today. Even without all those bonuses, it's a steal. And the bonuses ALONE are worth $1,735.00 which would bring your investment today for Trading Trainer to $7,987.00. This is my special, proprietary trading system that provides the accountability you need to compete with the big dogs. Listen, don't put this off a second longer, let me tell you WHY First, keep in mind that I've discounted Trading Trainer by over $6,990.00, and I did it risk-free to you as it's guaranteed. Just know this: I will eventually have to increase the price closer to the retail value because it's really a massive discount I'm offering you... So be SURE to act today, before simple economics forces me to increase the price, okay? ![]() Also, you don't want to feel left out if my free Super Bonus, Real Time Charting & Drawing Tools are no longer available, as they won't be for much longer, at least for free. Let's just face facts and do the only SMART thing left for you to do: Claim your spot now, along with my limited-time $6,990.00 discount, and all your free bonuses... And wisely get on the right path TODAY to Ten Million Dollars and a truly golden retirement, using this simple, proven, step-by-step strategy... Get Instant Access below right now, and let's get you started today! ![]() Let me cover a few of the most common questions and see if I can answer yours… What exactly is an Option? I’d like the Options Industry Council answer to this. An option is a contract to buy or sell a specific financial product known as the option's underlying instrument or underlying interest. For equity options, the underlying instrument is a stock, exchange traded fund (ETF) or similar product. The contract itself is very precise. It establishes a specific price, called the strike price, at which the contract may be exercised, or acted upon. Contracts also have an expiration date. When an option expires, it no longer has value and no longer exists. Options come in two varieties, calls and puts. You can buy or sell either type. Options are traded in their own derivatives market. You decide whether to buy or sell and choose a call or a put based on your objectives. Your objectives are usually dictated by what the market and underlying instruments are demonstrating combined with your investing philosophies, styles and limitations. How long does it take for me to become a trader? Trading is a skill more than it is an academic exercise. It can be compared to learning a new language, learning a new sport, learning to drive, learning to tie your shoe laces, etc. Whenever learning a skill we go through a process where we start out "consciously incompetent", then we elevate to being "consciously competent", and finally we graduate to being "unconsciously competent". At Trading Trainer, we employ proven accelerated learning techniques to make internalizing your trading skills, easy and fast. Each person becomes unconsciously competent at a different rates. However, one thing is for sure, you can begin trading your paper and simulator accounts immediately. This is one of the fastest ways to learn; internalize a skill by actually doing it. Is option trading the same as day trading? No. Option trading is trading options. Day trading is trading during the day, typically opening and closing positions in a single day. You can trade options in any time frame. And, you can day trade and investment, not just options. I personally do not day trade options unless under special circumstances. CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]() Can you generate monthly income from trading stock options? Yes, absolutely. It's a function of the size of your portfolio and your skills as a option trading investor. Many people trade options, and allow their results to compound to a critical mass, before taking an income. In other words, they build themselves up a "golden goose" of principle and then the "golden eggs" from the principle, are their monthly income. No matter what really matters is getting started sooner than later to hone your skills. Begin immediately with a paper or simulator trading account, so when real money is on the line, you'll be ready. Do I need to own a stock in order to trade an option? There are some option trading strategies where owning a stock is necessary. The one that comes first to mind is covered call writing. Most option trading strategies, however, do not require ownership of a stock. Can I learn this even if I have zero background in trading or finance? Absolutely! Trading is less about being an academic exercise than it is about learning a skill. Option trading is very easy to do. Becoming good at it is mainly a function of repletion. The beautiful part of option trading is that you can paper or simulator trade to build your skin, there's no risk. CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]() Why are you teaching Trading Trainer? I teach at Trading Trainer for two reasons. One is because the proceeds Trading Trainer generates goes to the charity I started, helping inner city kids break out of their cycle by providing them with the financial education they need that they can't get in any school. The other is because, Trading Trainer is a community I need, to keep my own trading profitable. I learned, when I started, that trading in a group is what gave me the support and accountability to keep going as well as the necessary set of eyes, looking over my shoulder to make sure I was doing things right. When you're part of the Trading Trainer program, you will see that indeed, I'm in there interacting with everyone. Who Decides / How do they decide if options will expire? The equity options we trade are standardized contracts. An option that is traded on a national options exchange is known as a listed option. These have fixed strike prices and expiration dates. Each listed option represents 100 shares of company stock (known as a contract). CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]() How long will it take for me to become a trader? This is the exact same question as above. How much money can we make with options trading? The amount is really limitless. It's a function of the size of your portfolio and your skills as a option trading investor. Many people trade options, and allow their results to compound to a critical mass, before taking an income. In other words, they build themselves up a "golden goose" of principle and then the "golden eggs" from the principle, are their monthly income. No matter what really matters is getting started sooner than later to hone your skills. Begin immediately with a paper or simulator trading account, so when real money is on the line, you'll be ready. CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]() If I am new at trading options should I trade simpler things like puts and calls? Is it easy to learn spread? I don't believe trading single-leg puts and calls is more simple than other strategies, like spreads. It's just different. All trading is simply identifying the patterns present in the market and trading appropriate strategies to capitalize on them. The benefit of trading options is that we have the flexibility to profit no matter what patterns the markets are throwing our way. Truly! We profit if the market is going up, down, sideways, when there are changes in volatility... even as time passes by as it naturally does. With that said, my philosophy is, learn and trade the strategies that are working right now. Practice them using your simulator and paper trading accounts. Trade them using real money when you're ready. If the market is calling for spreads, learn and trade spreads. If the market is calling for puts and calls, learn and trade puts and calls. What is the difference of a Call Option and Put Option? At its heart, an equity call option is a contract to buy a specific stock or exchange traded fund (ETF) at a set price (its strike price) before or at its expiration date. Typically single-leg equity call options are bought when the underlying instrument is expected to go up in price. And, at its heart, an equity put option is a contract to sell a specific stock or exchange traded fund (ETF) at a set price (its strike price) before or at its expiration date. Typically single-leg equity put options are bought when the underlying instrument is expected to go down in price. Where it becomes limitless is when we combine put and call options, with different strike prices, different expiration dates, or all of the above... and, even underlying instruments, into multi-leg strategies. Our option trading tool chest lets us profit no matter what the market and / or our underlying instrument is doing at the time. We can profit if the market is going up, down, or sideways, on volatility changing... even on time passing by as it naturally does. CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]() You say I only need 30 minutes a day at the most, but do I have to do it at any certain time of day? In 30 minutes or less per day (once you have built your skill and you are efficient at executing it) we go through an evaluation and planning process in preparation for the next trading day. That process consists of 1) a broad market analysis, 2) an evaluation of our un triggered plans from the previous trading sessions, for possible carry over, 3) looking for possible new opportunities and setting up plans accordingly, and 4) evaluating open positions in our portfolio and planning exits. I know it sounds like a lot, but honestly, following our process recipes, and practicing, you will soon become "unconscious competent". The evaluation and planning process, happens anytime between end-of-day (4:00 PM ET) and the next trading sessions (9:30 AM ET the next trading day). When it happens is up to you. The plans you create when following the Trading Trainer methodology can be programmed into free alert tools. If and when those plans are triggered, you're alerted. With a computer or mobile device, in an instant you can open or close a position. There's no injection of emotion. There's no clerical errors. Just robotic movements that result in profits. What is the minimum amount of money I need to start trading? Thanks to paper and simulator trading, you can start trading with nothing. The key is to get started sooner than later learning the process and internalizing the skill of trading; seeing how easy it can be. Once you're ready with real money, it doesn't take very much. When you are ready to trade real money, you'll want to have that skill built, and the experience behind you so you can be profitable, day one, out of the starting gate. What exactly is paper trading? Paper (or simulator) trading is trading virtual money in a virtual portfolio. It allows you to test and practice your trading plans before trading real money. Paper trading is where you keep track locally of your virtual portfolio, usually keep journal entries in a notebook. Simulator trading is where you keep track of your virtual portfolio online. A simulator also allows you to get the "feel" of trading through a broker's online trade desk. Trading is the only investor strategy I know of that you can practice with virtual money. I've never seen someone buy real estate or start a business with virtual money, to practice; to make sure they can profit consistently in their endeavor before risking a penny. You can become proficient at trading without risking anything. CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]() How long should I paper trade before I start using real money? Trade paper or a simulator till you feel comfortable and you are getting consistent results. Whenever in doubt, paper or simulator trade. There doesn't have to be a cut over date. To this day, I still paper and simulator trade. The only thing you don't want to do is throw your hands up and walk away from trading. Paper and simulator trading is risk free. Always paper and simulator trade every opportunity you identify, especially if you're not trading it with real money. Can I trade options in my IRA? Yes, you can trade options in your IRA. There is no restriction defined by the federal government, on what your IRA can be used for. Any restrictions you encounter are from the broker that you have assigned as custodian of your IRA. Should your broker place restriction on your IRA that limit your ability to trade options, it's easy enough to transfer your IRA to a broker that doesn't have these restrictions. Typically all that is required is filling out an online form. The transfer can be done electronically and usually happens in a couple of days if not hours. Just remember, we only trade money specifically set aside for that purpose. Don't trade the money in your IRA if it's earmarked. CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]() You said the proceeds from this go to a charitable organization. Can you tell me a little about that? At the same time I setup the Trading Trainer Community for Like Minded Investors, I also setup a non-profit organization that teaches inner city kids, the financial literacy they need to know, to break their poverty cycle. All the profits from Trading Trainer go to the non-profit. We've put over 10 million into that non-profit in just over 10 years. My intention is to grow that non-profit (in the same way my intention is for you to grow your portfolio) to where the annual interest on its principle will fund the day to day operations of the school. Through strategic partnerships, continued deposits from Trading Trainer, investing of the non-profits portfolio, we are getting close to that critical mass we need to have our non-profit live on for eternity. The other side effect of all profits going to this non-profit, is myself and my coaches that run Trading Trainer, must all trade to live day in and day out. There are many education organizations out there where the teachers may have once been traders, but no longer trade in the present. You can rest assured, thanks to the structure of Trading Trainer, that you are working with teachers that are actively trading and speaking from experience about what is working right now. We're not just running this community, we're in their trading with this community. How long does it take to get started learning this once I join? We'll be sending you a DVD that you'll keep for life. But, as soon as you sign up, you'll also be given immediate access to our web portal. You'll get an email with your username and password. Don't hesitate. Log in immediately. No time like the present. Can I really learn this and do it in just 20 to 30 minutes a day? Absolutely. Start immediately learning about what is working right now, today. Practice it using paper or simulator trading till you have it internalized. Repetition is key for taking something you are consciously incompetent at, to being consciously competent, and ultimately unconsciously competent at it. It's been proven, if you subscribe to and follow the Trading Trainer methodology, that you can profit from option trading in less than 30 minutes per day. CLICK on the green oval-shaped order button that says Get Instant Access below. ![]()